Sonneratia alba J.
Tree or shrub upto 15 m tall, much branched,
pneumatophores many, corky
Bark smooth with fine, longitudinal fissured,
cream to brown in colour
Leaves glabroussimple, opposite, cariaceous,
elliptic, oblong or suborbicular, obtuse at apex, 5.0 - 10.0 cm long, narrowed
to a short petiole at base
Petiole 3 -6 cm long
Inflorescence 1 to few flowered cyme,
terminal or branchlet
Flowers 3-5 cm across, white
Calyx tube cup shaped, 6-8 lobed, lobes
abscure in flower, distinct in fruit
Petals white, small, ovary depressed-globose;
style upto 4 cm long, stigma capitate
Stamens numerous, 5.0 cm - 8.0 cm long
and white in colour
Flowers ephemeral, opening in late evening,
and lasting one night, plenty of nectar in the calyx tube
Fruit 3.5 cm - 4.5 cm in diameter,
green, smooth, calyx cup shaped, enclosing the base of the fruit, calyx
lobes spreading or reflexed containing 150 - 200 sedds in the fruit.